new ventures
new ventures
investment in the United States
Sugarcane has been an integral part of the south Louisiana economy and culture for more than 200 years. When Jesuit priests first brought sugarcane into south Louisiana in 1751, little did they know that the foundation was being laid for an industry that now contributes $2 billion to the Louisiana economy.
During 2013, Omega Energy USA acquired a group of nine properties located in the Jefferson Davis Parish in the State of Louisiana of approximately 4,937 acres of land. In the report made by evaluators from the Pauley Corporation in 2012, the land is stated to be best fit in its majority for sugar cane farming due to its agricultural qualities and its benefits to develop the local community. Omega Energy USA is interested in developing the site by finding a strong and experienced agricultural team that manages sugar cane plantations and can help us take the farming project to the harvesting stage.
As the shipping gateway to the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana benefits not only from its own exports but also from its role as a primary shipping port for billions of dollars in goods from across the country. Agricultural products, petroleum and coal, chemicals, and machinery exports are major parts of Louisiana’s economy and continue to grow— exports between 2004 and 2012 more than doubled from $19 billion to $63 billion.

omega energy core values
Sustainable Development
Omega Energy contributes to the development of the country in each area in which it operates, bettering quality of life by generating employment, protecting the environment, and the completion of infrastructure projects.
Economic Value
The company generates economic benefits for its share holders, investors, providers, and employees through design and execution of projects that aim at maximizing profit within the target of maintaining a safe and secure operation.
Protecting the Environment
The exploration, production, and commercialization of hydrocarbons performed by Omega Energy is done by abiding to the most strict environmental procedures and audits with clear goals of respecting nature and society.
Transparency and Efficiency
Omega Energy operates with professionalism and responsibility and shares information with its business partners and the authorities. By doing so, Omega Energy consolidates and preserves good relationships in the long run.
Well being of Human Talent
Omega Energy employees receive constant recognition and training in order for them to develop their projects to their maximum potential within a healthy environment with a resounding respect for personal well being.
Health and Safety are Priorities
Omega Energy’s operations are characterized by the constant prioritization and investment in the health and safety of its own operators and the nearby communities.
More Participation from Regional Collaborators
For a more harmonious and effective operation with local communities, Omega Energy involves local collaborators in key and important roles.
Responsible Contracting
Omega Energy selects its providers after in-depth market research in order to guarantee the right conditions and the commitment to working in the most efficient possible way.
The Latest Technology for Operation
In its decision to be a lider in the hydrocarbon industry, the company invests in technology in order to obtain the best results by using modern and dynamic processes.
Innovation in Renewable Energy
In our commitment with the Environment, Omega Energy has taken the initiative to develop projects utilizing carbon offset bonds.
Sustainable Development
Omega Energy contributes to the development of the country in each area in which it operates, bettering quality of life by generating employment, protecting the environment, and the completion of infrastructure projects.
Economic Value
The company generates economic benefits for its share holders, investors, providers, and employees through design and execution of projects that aim at maximizing profit within the target of maintaining a safe and secure operation.
Protecting the Environment
The exploration, production, and commercialization of hydrocarbons performed by Omega Energy is done by abiding to the most strict environmental procedures and audits with clear goals of respecting nature and society.
Transparency and Efficiency
Omega Energy operates with professionalism and responsibility and shares information with its business partners and the authorities. By doing so, Omega Energy consolidates and preserves good relationships in the long run.
Well being of Human Talent
Omega Energy employees receive constant recognition and training in order for them to develop their projects to their maximum potential within a healthy environment with a resounding respect for personal well being.
Health and Safety are Priorities
Omega Energy’s operations are characterized by the constant prioritization and investment in the health and safety of its own operators and the nearby communities.
More Participation from Regional Collaborators
For a more harmonious and effective operation with local communities, Omega Energy involves local collaborators in key and important roles.
Responsible Contracting
Omega Energy selects its providers after in-depth market research in order to guarantee the right conditions and the commitment to working in the most efficient possible way.
The Latest Technology for Operation
In its decision to be a lider in the hydrocarbon industry, the company invests in technology in order to obtain the best results by using modern and dynamic processes.
Innovation in Renewable Energy
In our commitment with the Environment, Omega Energy has taken the initiative to develop projects utilizing carbon offset bonds.